Customer Relationship Management Software

Cezcon CRM is the best sales management software in Dubai UAE designed to increase sales and improve opportunities to connect with prospects. Businesses benefit by upgrading their customer experience, resulting in long-term profits. Developed by CEZCON, a Dubai-based software developer and IT support firm, CEZCON CRM has been successfully implemented across companies from various industries, since 2015.

The key benefits of the leading customer relation management software include:

Keeping track of customer and potential lead profiles.
Lead prioritization assistance for sales and marketing team.
Improve follow up and sales closure.
Following prospects on a sales funnel as you analyze sales data.
Effectively manage team interactions.
Provide high level analytics and data storage.
Seamless Automation of Sales, Operations & Support
Better Follow-Up, More Sales Closures, Increased Revenue
Cezcon Crm


Lead Management

Lead Management

Opportunity Management

Opportunity Management

Customer Management

Customer Management

Contact Management

Contact Management

Estimation & Cost Comparison

Estimation & Cost Comparison

Task Management

Task Management

Reminders & Notifications

Reminders & Notifications

Customer Quotation

Customer Quotation


Sales Invoice

Business Chat

Business Chat

Campaign Management

Campaign Management


Cezcon Map


Custom KPI

Project Tracking & Monitoring

Business Intelligence Report

For more details please visit our product website